Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Xerox Project

For my Xerox project I decided to make a star being held up by a basket of hands. This to me represents the idea that if you surround yourself with strong and uplifting people they will help you be a star. However the star in the middle has the most hands which to me symbolizes the fact that you must work the hardest to become a star and the hands around are only there to support you a little bit because they are all after the same thing you are. To create my project I photocopied my left and right hands and used pins to stick them to the pin board in my roommates and I's room. This is also symbolistic of the bond my roommates and I share because we are there for each other and help each other shine, which is also why I found the pin board a good place to put my project on display so my roommates could see it. Another thing that I like about having the project displayed on the inboard is that the hands are allowed to droop and move outwards giving it the actual 3D appearance of a star shining instead of just a plain old 2D flat surface.

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